Frontline Education


Absence Request Form

        Frontline tutorial video

Frontline for time, attendance and substitute management.

Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from internet or phone.


Absence Management:  One of the most critical factors in securing a substitute is to get the absence into the system as quick as possible. Most all Unfilled Absences are due to the fact that the absence was entered into the system too late. One way all of you can help is by using the Frontline Mobile App. It is the quickest, easiest, 30 second way to put in an absence.   


How to Interact with Frontline Education

Frontline Education mobile link can be downloaded from the app store
Your 4-digit Unlock Code is 7354.

You must have your ID (10 digit phone number) and your 4-5 digit PIN information.



Existing Frontline ID account?

“Sign in with your Frontline ID” (This is the account you created, not your phone number)


No Frontline ID account?

“Create a Frontline ID” by entering a username, password, email address, and click “I accept the terms and conditions."

“Create Frontline ID” and you are in!


Web Access

Go to  Here you can enter absences, check your absence schedule, update personal information, and upload your lesson plans for substitutes to view online.  You must know your Frontline ID, Username and Password that you set up

Dial-In Access

Call toll-free at 1-800-942-3767.  Follow the voice menu to enter and manage absences. When entering an absence, please wait until you receive a confirmation number before you terminate the phone call.

We recommend that you call in to check the computer recording of your name and title.  To do this, press Option 5 and follow the prompts. Your ID and PIN for dial-in access are different than the website:

  • ID:  (Your phone number)   
  • PIN: (4 digit password)    


Mobile App Access

Once you have created your Frontline ID, you can download the Frontline Education mobile app. The four-digit invitation code is 7354. After entering the invitation code, enter your Frontline ID credentials to sign in.


Classified Employees


All classified employees must enter their time in and out daily! Frontline Absence Management is available 24/7 and can be accessed on any device as long as you are onsite at our schools or CMO and inside the RAFOS WiFi network.


Clocking in and out daily from your phone, you'll need to download the Frontline app.

When download is complete, you will enter a 4-digit invitation code to access the app. 7354

Enter your ID and Password then click 'Sign In with Frontline ID'


If you have multiple positions or you work at multiple locations, you may be required to specify your duty and location of work. Once you do that, click the Green Button to sign in or out. 

When you arrive at work, 'Clock In'   It's helpful to set a timer to logout for lunch before the fifth hour of work.

When you leave for lunch, 'Clock OutLunch must be taken before the fifth hour worked!!

When you return from lunch, 'Clock In'

When you leave for the day, 'Clock Out'

If you forget to clock in/clock out, you need to email the designated person at your site so adjustments can be made to your time.


TIME & ATTENDANCE:  The system will calculate the hours you've worked. If you would like to view your actual time sheet, choose the arrow (>) next to the tab 'Timesheets'.


ABSENCE MANAGEMENT: If you would like to create an absence, choose the Absences tab > then click +Schedule Absence under the Overview tab. Choose Sick Time or Unpaid then, choose your dates and add any other details like absence reason, the time-frame of your absence, and more.


You can also call Frontline toll-free at 1-800-942-3767. Simply follow the voice menu to enter and manage absences. We recommend that you call in to check the computer recording of your name and title. To do this, press option 5 and follow the prompts. **When entering an absence, wait until you receive a confirmation number before terminating the phone call. Your transaction is not complete until you receive a confirmation number.**


Creating an Absence

​The system makes it easy for you to quickly enter your absences. The easiest way to enter an absence is by using the "Create an Absence" tab on your home page.


Choose the days(s) you will be absent, choose details for your absence reason, the time-frame of your absence, and more. You may also add notes to the substitute or your Administrator.

On the computer On the app
picture of frontline absence screen Frontline view on the app




'Sick' absence 'Personal Necessity' absence

Sick leave may be taken to receive preventative care (annual physicals or flu shots) or to diagnose, treat, or care for an existing health condition. Employees may also use sick leave to assist a family member (children, parents, spouses/domestic partners, grandparents, grandchildren, siblings) who must receive preventative care or a diagnosis, treatment, or care for an existing health condition. Finally, an employee may take paid sick time to receive medical care or other assistance to address instances of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking. You should select "sick" for the reason in Frontline for these types of absences. You are to enter this absence into Frontline yourself as soon as you know that you will be missing work.

Part-time employees (under 30 hours) may not use sick time for absences related to personal necessity. 


Full-time and Contracted staff may use up to five (5) sick days for personal necessity reasons. For non-exempt employees, number of hours is five times their regular daily hours. (For example, an employee who is scheduled to work 7.5 hours per day would be eligible to use 37.5 hours of sick leave for personal necessity.) Personal necessity is defined as the need to be absent from work due to situations outside of an employee’s control that cannot be handled on a non-work day. The following are some examples: attending a funeral, attending a child’s graduation, dealing with a flooded house or some other disaster; attending a child’s fieldtrip in a non-staff member capacity; appearing in court or before any administrative tribunal as a litigant, party, or witness under subpoena or any order made with jurisdiction. The use of personal necessity time is specifically NOT for vacations. Additionally, personal necessity time may not be taken to extend school breaks / holiday closures, nor used on the Professional Development days throughout the year.

'Personal Necessity' absences require 72-hour advance approval by administration utilizing the Employee Absence Request Form. If approved, the Employee Absence Request forms should be turned into your site designated person who will then enter the absence into Frontline Education.


'Professional Development' 

If you are going to be out for a PD day(s), this also needs to be approved by administration using the Employee Absence Form. Your site designated person will then enter the absence into Frontline Education.